
Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads: Which Is Better for SMEs?

Facebook Ads-Google Ads: “Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” – Jon Buscall

Facebook and Google are the leading and most popular platforms to promote a business. Whether you want to increase brand awareness or ROI, both can help.

Both of these platforms allow companies to post various types of ads to increase customer reach and sales.

As you can connect with a vast audience quickly and efficiently, choosing Google or Facebook will be beneficial. 

But, most of the time advertisers get confused about which one to use.

Undoubtedly, Google and Facebook bring enormous benefits for small business marketing strategies through various advertisement options.

Want to make the right decision to choose between Facebook and Google while promoting your products or services?

Go through this blog, and you will get your answer. This article gives thorough information about Facebook ads Vs. Google Ads.

We will explain various strengths and features of Google Ads and Facebook Ads so that you can choose the most appropriate one for your business. 

Facebook Ads

Facebook is the preeminent social media network With the highest number of monthly active users. It is highly competitive and potentially lucrative to incorporate Facebook for your business’ digital advertising strategies. Currently, there are many other social media networks, but none will be as beneficial as Facebook. From connecting to a vast audience and getting faster results, this social network helps businesses to promote their brand effectively.

Let’s understand the variety of Facebook ads you can display while advertising a product or service.

Types of Facebook ad

Facebook offers a variety of styles to advertise your business amongst the target audience. Have a look at the classes of Facebook ads;


Use images to generate awareness and promote a product or brand.


Increase engagement to your ads by adding movement through Facebook Add movement to your ads can make them more eye-catching in the news feed.


It is one of the great ways that allows combining images or videos, text, and sound. Plus, you can incorporate three to ten photos or a video in a slideshow ad.


Carousel ads allow showcasing up to ten images or videos in a single ad, each with its separate link.

Instant Experience

Instant Experience is a full-screen experience that unfolds after someone taps your ad on a mobile device. These types of ads help to highlight your brand, products, or services visually.


The collection format emphasizes multiple products and opens as an Instant Experience when a user interacts with them.

Your customers can explore, browse and purchase products from their phones in a visible and immersive way.

Although promotion on Facebook can be thought of as similar to AdWords, in that promoters using both platforms are essentially advertising their business via the Internet, this is where the resemblances end.

Unlike paid search, which helps companies find new customers via keywords, paid social benefits users to find businesses based on their interests and the way they behave online. 

When it comes to the principal distinction between Google AdWords and Facebook Ads is AdWords assists you find new customers, while Facebook encourages new customers to find you.

Both of these platforms will be lucrative to consolidate while developing marketing strategies for businesses.

Also Read: Improve your digital marketing with competitor analysis

Google AdWords: Paid Search

Google AdWords is one of the most extensive and most popular PPC advertising platforms across the globe. With its increase, the popularity of AdWords has become the synonyms for paid search whether you are looking for an advertising platform to include in the small business marketing plan or want to promote a well-established platform, Google AdWords work. 

The paid search converges on the targeting of keywords and the use of text-based displays. Advertisers using AdWords bid on keywords to maximize the CTR (Click Through Rate) from the prospective customers.

The advertiser is charged a certain amount of money when users click on the ad; hence, it is called PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. 

The Advantages of Google AdWords

Google offers advertisers access to an unprecedented and unequaled potential audience of users who are actively looking for goods and services.

One of the biggest misunderstandings among those new to PPC is that whoever has the most massive advertising budget wins at Google ads. Fortuitously, AdWords focuses essentially on the quality and relevance of ads, and not how much advertisers spend.

The more relevant an ad is for the user, the better the Experience that the user is likely to get. Thus, the more likely they are to recommence using Google as their go-to search engine. For this purpose, Google AdWords rewards relevance and quality above any other factors. This is why intelligent advertisers with relevant, optimized, high-quality ads rarely have to bid as highly as advertisers with inappropriate ads.

Have a look at the list of key advantages of Google AdWords;

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Works faster than other SEO techniques
  • Consistently measure your performance
  • Reconnect with the site visitors
  • Wide range targeting alternatives
  • Maintain full control of advertisement campaign
  • Runs accordingly your budget
  • Increase conversion rates

A Wide Range of Ad Formats

AdWords allows choosing a wide range of formats, which makes it easier to display the ads for the advertisers.

Although PPC ads in AdWords remain text-based, advertisers can take benefit of an incredible number of peculiarities to make their ads more compelling and attractive to prospective customers.

Google offers Ad extensions, site links, social proofing such as user reviews, location targeting, Shopping ads, and a throng of other features are available to advertisers, offering an exceptional level of personalization and control to advertisers. 

Google has even launched ad formats tailored to the distinct needs of specific types of businesses.

For instance, vehicle manufacturers or hotels, which go far exceeding the typical text-based ad experience and consolidate rich visual elements, including high-resolution images or interactive map data.

No matter what you are selling and who your target audience is, the possibilities are ample that there is an ad format or feature that will make your products or services more appealing to your target market.

Google is continuously executing new ad formats and features, further empowering advertisers to approach new audiences and drive more business. 

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Unmatched Audience Granularity

Similarly to Google AdWords, Facebook possesses a truly vast global audience.

With 1.55+ billion monthly active users(more than one-fifth of the entire world’s population), Facebook has almost zero competitors when it comes to the enormousness of its audience.

However, instead of exposing advertisers and their messaging to this vast audience, scale the audience data and act accordingly. 

Besides, People share virtually every likely detail of their lives on Facebook.

From gathering and marrying partners to the birth of children or the celebration of anniversaries, Facebook’s users share the joys and completion of life’s milestones with their acquaintances and friends daily.

This type of customers’ behavior offers a unique opportunity to the advertiser and relate the products according to their post on the social channel. 

An Intrinsically Visual Platform

Both text-based PPC and Facebook ads are powerfully visual. The creative Facebook ads can be blended with the videos, images, and other visual content in users’ News Feeds.

This allows advertisers to leverage not only the powerfully effective qualities of graphical ads but to do so in a way that communicates the aspirational, high-quality ads.

Incredible ROI

The granularity of its targeting options often influences companies and marketers testing with Facebook Ads.

Also, the variety of tools they have at their disposal for producing beautiful, appealing ads attract advertisers to use this platform.

Nevertheless, one element of Facebook Ads that consistently takes newcomers by astonishment is the possible return on investment of Facebook ads, and how far the specialist advertisers can extend a limited ad budget.

Considering both of these platforms, while curating marketing strategies for business will be helpful.

But, sometimes, you have to choose one or the other.

Depending on the business requirements and the nature of your products or services, you should select Facebook or Google. 

Here’ is the conclusion—Google Ads and Facebook ads are both outstanding areas to advertise your business. They are comparatively cost-effective than other forms of advertising, and each has billions of active users with diversified targeting options.

Incorporating either one for your business’s marketing strategies will be lucrative in the end. 

So what is the deal? Is Facebook better than Google or vice versa? 

Certainly, the interpretation is profoundly reliant on your business goals and budget. First, you need to define the main objectives of the advertising; what you want to achieve.

Plus, consider the aspects you are looking to get out of the advertisements on Facebook or Google. For the simple understanding;

  • If the main purpose of the ads is for sales, leads, consultations, or similar things— both platforms will be excellent for that.
  • If your main goal is to generate brand awareness or a social following, Facebook is the place to be. It will be drastically lucrative for this purpose. 
  • If your business demands the direct selling of products, Google Ads is probably the place to promote your business.

All in all, you need to understand the primary aspirations of your business and the actions you want to entice from the customers while selecting the advertising platform.

Also, understand how Facebook and Google AdWords work before making the final decision!

A Geek who makes a living on Internet. I call myself an Digital Entrepreneur & I love to help other people to make them Digitized. Digital marketer By Profession, Curator By Choice.