
Choosing the Best Android Tracking App

Android mobile phones are the most widely used smartphones in the world. More than 86% of the world’s smartphones are operating with android OS. 

The wide use of digital networks and the internet has posed some serious implications to its users. The kids are having a bad time while using cell phones. The excessive use of the internet, social media, and gaming all the time badly affect their health in many ways. 

Besides this, employers are having a bad time while managing their companies nowadays. They face issues related to productivity, workplace harassment, and other problems of the same kind. 

Problems for the kids

The kids are facing problems related to cyberbullying and harassment. They are targeted by cybercriminals over the internet and social media. A large number of such cases report these activities happening through social media because millions of users over the social networks are not verified. 

On the other hand, several kids start viewing inappropriate and adult content during their teenage. So, the parents look to have a strong mechanism that can restrict this kind of activity regarding the kids. 

  • Cyberbullying
  • Harassment
  • Viewing inappropriate content
  • Sex offending
  • Cyber predating 

The bottom line of such activities by the kids is to find financial details of the parents by putting pressure on the child. If the child, out of frustration, shares the detail with the criminal, the family suffers a lot. 

The experts suggest that parents should be friendly enough with their kids so that they may be able to share any kind of situation with them. 

Also Read: Right Time to Know: How Powerful Social Media is for Small Business

Problems for employers and businesses 

It is observed that a large number of employees indulge in unproductive activities at the workplace that ultimately affect business performance.

The unproductive activities of the employees involve streaming music, videos and connecting with friends and family. 

On the other side, the negligent use of android business devices by the employees paves the way for cyberattacks on sensitive and confidential business and customer data. 

  • Cyber threats to businesses
  • Workplace harassment with female employees
  • Unproductive activities of the employees 

So, this is the responsibility of the employer to address all the issues of the same kind for the healthy continuation of the business. 

The solution to the concerns of employers and parents

The experts suggest that parents and employers should start using a spy for tracking and monitoring the activities of their employees and kids. A fine android tracking app can actively record every bit of communication taking place on the target phone. 

Thus, enabling the parent and employee to get a fair insight of all the take-ups of their target users. 

Significant features 

Location tracking using TheOneSpy 

The real-time movement of the target user can be recorded in the form of a log.

The end-user can view the log by logging in to the online dashboard. This feature serves as an added security layer for the target user.

If the kid or employee does not get reach out, the employer can identify the pinpoint location of the target user at any point in time. 

Tracking all social media activities 

All the communication taking place through social networks can be efficiently monitored.

The chats, multimedia, voice notes, and VoIP and video calls can be tracked in real-time without any hint to the target user. 

Password chaser identifies password 

The password chaser of the android tracking app identifies the password of all the installed applications on the target phone.

This is done by identifying the keystrokes when the password field of a specific app remains active. 

Phone call recording and listening

All the incoming and outgoing phone calls of the target phone can be extensively monitored. The end-user can listen to all the calls in real-time; these calls can also be recorded for later monitoring. 

Spy 360 addresses workplace harassment 

The feature bugs the mic or front or back camera of the target phone to know what is happening around the device. In this way, the employer copes with harassment allegations. 


The use of the android tracking app is discussed regarding the protection of kids and businesses.

A Geek who makes a living on Internet. I call myself an Digital Entrepreneur & I love to help other people to make them Digitized. Digital marketer By Profession, Curator By Choice.