
Google My Business for Small Business

Google My Business for Businesses: In this day and age, looking for 9 to 5 jobs is not enough for survival. And, with time, the innovations, creativity has spread its wings in the market.

The chronological order for achieving well-settled life is not more in trend. Each thought to bring change or entertaining the public becomes viral and takes the shape of a new venture. 

And hence, completing your school, graduating from college to finally finishing your MBA, MBBS, etc. is not the only option left.

A unique idea encourages youth to give it the shape of small businesses. And along with this, several challenges need to be handled with the same enthusiasm and creativity.

Nowadays, starting a business is not limited to the offline market. Still, it can be viewed as a significant entrepreneur online with the help of fantastic marketing tips and ideas available.

Here we are with few tips and tools to help small business to expand and reach out to their potential market:

About Google My Business

The first and the most important thing for any business to grow is their EXISTENCE.

This existence can be viewed as a significant business if planned and worked upon wisely with the help of listing it on ‘GOOGLE MY BUSINESS.’

The best part is that though Google covers all the aspects of life, be it gaining knowledge, getting some services, socializing, etc.

And, so anything you seek is available on Google search, it is still one free tool for a significant expansion of your business.

As a result, every business is it small or large enterprise that ensures that they are listed on Google search engine so that they can be available and visible to their customers.

It also is a lot more competition in the virtual world, and so being innovative while listing your small business is again another essential activity to do.

Tips to STAY VISIBLE on Google:

  1. Add Details: Google’s local search Result is always with the complete description of the enterprise like address, business hours, reviews, etc. and hence, requires proper information handy so it can be viewed in the form of text and can be located on Google maps to customers.
  2. Add or Edit Locations Accurately: Google does provide the freedom to edit and add the location. Hence the case of any changes in position, make sure it is updated well in the Google search engine under ‘Manage Location Tab.’
  3. Create Identity Through Website: Google my business showcase your identity with the help of the website, and so a presentable, creative webpage will help the search engine to showcase your existence in the list in a precise manner, which in turn gives a tremendous and organized outlook to the viewers.
  4. Claim Your Business: In case your business has already been for a while but not yet officially listed, there are chances that you will get a notification to claim it. And to do so, add the business description carefully by keeping intact the spellings and grammar.

Also Read This : How Social Media Marketing can help to Enhance Brand Identity

Things to Consider Before Implementing

To avoid any duplicity or in case of false claiming, double-check the address as Google keeps the previous location details even on the map.

Do not forget to verify the details through the mail without which listing cannot be completed.

  1. Add Keywords: With the help of keywords, you can quickly and easily be searched by and displayed by Google, just like traditional website SEO.
  2. Ensure the quality content on the website along with maximum usage of keywords for better investment in SEO in marketing.
  3. Bring Visualization: Adding photos can help your identity to be showcased strongly. Good quality pictures can influence the potential market instantly. Hence, along with the existence in the link, photo view can be an impactful step for your business to look large by bringing meaning to it. The following roles of the photos can make your small business well settled and organized. These photos are related to:

Logo Image: To create a unique identity

Cover Photo: To showcase brand page personality

Additional Photos: pictures of events, and other related business messages to empower the functioning of the business online. To maintain the quality display on Google, ensure the uploads are as per the Google norms, which are:

  • Format: JPG or PNG
  • Size: Between 10KB and 5MB
  • Minimum resolution: 720px tall, 720px wide
  • Quality: The photo should be focused and without alterations or excessive use of filters, but it should be real.
  1. Welcome Feedback and Reviews: Positive response s of your existed customer on Google is one innovative way to build the trust of your new customer. Ensure to keep acknowledging your customer’s review and feedback to stay active and visible in the online market.
  2. Understand your Potential Market: Google my business comes with great benefits for small enterprises. It provides the complete information of the customers who view your listing on Google in a way that short activity can reveal the mindset of each customer. Hence, reading it in the dashboard and under Insights carefully can amazingly help the business understand the pattern, requirement, the trend of the market.
    • These insights are useful to aware the business owners about how his/her store or services are being searched. The different tabs display the activities and patterns of search conducted by maximum customers; Like:

How Customers Find Your Listing displays

if the customer found you directly by entering your name or address or discovered you while searching for a particular service or product.

Where Customers Find:

 You on Google filters the total views, total search, and map views.

Customer Actions helps to understand the interest that generated after seeing you listed on Google by filtering the action under visit your website, view photos, call, direction requests.

Other Marketing Tips:

After understanding the importance of the one essential tool along with practical ways of listing, let us figure out more tips for the growth of our small business in the online world:

  1. Create a Blog: The creation of a blog will help you to stay connected with the customers as they will be able to understand and effectively relate your services through your quality articles. On the other side, the blog is also another income generator with SEO marketing.
  2. YouTube Channel: presence on YouTube is another impressive tool for effective marketing. The creation of small useful videos in the form of stories or information provider can do wonders in building trust with your target customers.
  3. Newsletter: Newsletters is one impactful tool and a direct tool to advertise and promote your services and products to the customer who has signed up with you. Regular and consistent newsletters keep your loyal customer aware of your growth and innovations and, in turn, help you to stay connected with them.

Build Your Presence on Online Forums:

Quora, Reddit are some of the most popular and reliable forms among people to get real information, views, experience, knowledge for all age groups.

Hence, staying in the conversation through links, experiences, reviews shared by people can help to build a real and genuine market.

Therefore such presence plays a significant role in small businesses.


Do not hesitate to bring up your unique and creative idea in the market because it is not just about investing money wisely anymore.

Be mindful and aware of tips and techniques to market your design in the form of small business and expand further. Stay Innovative, Keep growing.

A Geek who makes a living on Internet. I call myself an Digital Entrepreneur & I love to help other people to make them Digitized. Digital marketer By Profession, Curator By Choice.